Role of Higher Education

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Role of Higher Ed - comm college

Community College Partnerships

Because most often, the related instruction included in an apprenticeship is college level curriculum, community colleges play a vital role in the apprenticeship ecosystem.

Acting as Group Non-Joint Sponsors, they alleviate administrative burdens for employers while offering support services, certification, and credentialing. Community colleges also offer flexible scheduling options, including virtual classes, enabling apprentices to balance learning with their work commitments.

Higher Ed - 4 yr

Four-year Institutions and Apprenticeships

Maryland has a robust ecosystem of private and public colleges and universities for any area of study. Many colleges offer apprenticeship programs that blend academic learning with practical training, aligning curriculum with industry demands. These schools also provide avenues for apprentices to pursue further education and professional development while employed in their field.

Related Instruction Providers

Third-party related instruction providers play a vital role in the apprenticeship — bringing specialized expertise, flexibility, innovation, collaboration, and scalability to apprenticeship programs. Providers can tailor the learning experience to meet the specific needs of various industries, benefiting everyone involved in the program.. Employers may also act as Related Instruction providers.

For assistance is identifying related instruction providers, reach out to your local school district or contact a MAC industry lead for further assistance.

Higher Ed - related instruction

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