School to Apprenticeship (STA) a.k.a. School to Work (STW)


School to Apprenticeship (STA)

Check out STAs – they’re Maryland Registered Apprenticeships (RAs) specially designed for high school students like you! Unlike the Youth Apprenticeship (YA/AMP) program, STAs continue down the career pathway after high school graduation.

Ready to jumpstart your future? School-to-Apprenticeship programs are your ticket to success, offering a clear path to reaching your dreams. They mix classroom learning with real-world practice, setting you up with the skills you need to thrive in your chosen professions - and entire professional life.

Registered Apprenticeship

Registered Apprenticeships (RA) are a personalized learning experience sponsored by employers and industry associations. They blend on-the-job training with technical instruction to teach you the skills you need for your dream career. Here's how they're structured:

  • 1:1 apprentice-to-journeyperson ratio
  • Apprenticeship is at least one year
  • A minimum of 2,000 hours of on-the-job training per year while in high school (can be used as high school credit towards graduation.

Maryland boasts over 230 registered occupations and 9,000 registered apprenticeships across diverse industries, delivering at least 144 hours of related instruction per year. Participants can remain employed after graduating from high school to complete the program and progress beyond!

What's Included

What’s Included

  • On-the-Job Training: Roll up your sleeves and dive into real-world work experience. You'll work directly from experienced professionals, developing real and relevant skills and knowledge in your field.
  • Technical Instruction: Alongside on-the-job training, you'll also receive related instruction. This technical training will deepen your understanding of industry-specific concepts and practices that you are using on the job. This will be facilitated by the employer, at a college, or perhaps with another instruction provider.
  • Mentorship: Throughout the program, you'll have mentors cheering you on.  They'll guide you, give feedback, and help you navigate every step  of your apprenticeship journey.
  • Program Duration: Apprenticeships come in different lengths, depending on the job and program. They can last from one to six years, giving you the chance to  hone your skills and master your craft over time.

By blending hands-on experience with technical instruction, Registered Apprenticeships provide a complete learning experience that sets you up for success in your career.

Dual Enrollment in College

Often, the related instruction for STA’s is provided by your local community college. You can gain college credits while gaining on-the-job experience - and making money.

Your College and Career Readiness Team can help you identify the best programs for you.

Dual Enrollment
How is it different than an internship (1)

How does a Registered Apprenticeship differ from an internship?  

Registered Apprenticeships are a whole different ball game from internships, here's why:

  • Paid from Day One: Unlike internships where you might not ever see a cent, apprenticeships pay you  right from the start.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Apprenticeships last at least a year, giving you the time  to learn the scene and master your skills.
  • Structured Learning: With apprenticeships, you'll experience the best of both worlds – hands-on training and classroom learning. This structured approach is designed to help you develop industry-approved skills and competencies.
  • Nationally Recognized Credential: When you complete your apprenticeship, you'll walk away with a nationally recognized credential, setting you apart from others in the hiring market.
  • Mentorship: Apprenticeships come with built-in mentorship, meaning you'll have someone by your side guiding you every step of the way. It's like having a personal cheerleader for you and your career!
  • Debt-Free College Degree: Here's the kicker – some apprenticeship programs can even lead to a debt-free college degree. That's right, you can earn while you learn and graduate without the burden of student loans.
  • Path to Continuous Employment: After finishing your apprenticeship, there is usually an opportunity to continue working with the employer, opening up opportunities for advancement.