Educators play a significant and important role in the development of young people. Apprenticeships are a tool to help any student develop career-ready skills and pathways to success after graduation. After all, in addition to developing great students, we all want the legacy of education to develop individuals with the ability to live their full potential.
High School Apprenticeships require a partnership between the student, employer, family, and school professionals. There are also multiple government agencies playing a role in development, implementation, and oversight. The process is complex and has many touchpoints.
Each Local Education Agency (LEA) has a team of professionals dedicated to the successful implementation of High School Apprenticeships and meeting the Maryland Blueprint goals.
Apprentice Connect
Maryland K-12 Professionals
All who work in the education system have the power to impact the journey of young people. Apprenticeships combine traditional education with life preparedness to build promising futures.
College & Post-Secondary Professionals
Related Instruction is a primary component to all apprenticeships and planning post-secondary connectivity to all education programs is key for promising futures.
College & Career Readiness Team Members
Those already working in the world of high school apprenticeships understand the power of the programs. MAC is here to help.
Who Should Consider?
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