Maryland K-12 Professionals

What is an apprenticeship (1)

What is an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a structured training program that combines on-the-job learning with classroom instruction, designed to grow the workforce with hands-on experience and specific skills in a particular trade or profession. Apprentices work under the guidance of experienced professionals, called mentors or journeyworkers, learning practical techniques and workplace best practices. These programs last for a set period, during which apprentices earn a wage while gaining the skills necessary for their career path. Apprenticeships offer a valuable pathway to employment, allowing individuals to acquire industry-recognized qualifications and develop the abilities needed to succeed in their chosen field.

What is the difference between apprenticeship and internship?

Focus and Purpose

  • Internship: Short-term, focuses on gaining industry exposure and developing skills.
  • Apprenticeship: Long-term, focuses on learning specific skills or trades for a career path.

Duration and Commitment:

  • Internship: Lasts for a few months, shorter commitment.
  • Apprenticeship: Lasts one to six years, longer commitment to complete the program.

Training Structure:

  • Internship: Learning through observation, hands-on tasks, and mentorship.
  • Apprenticeship: Structured training combining on-the-job experience with formal instruction.


  • Internship: Can be paid or unpaid, depending on the company.
  • Apprenticeship: Paid, with wages that may increase over time.

Career Outcome:

  • Internship: Enhances resume and provides networking but doesn't guarantee a job.
  • Apprenticeship: Leads to employment within the industry, with acquired skills and qualifications.
Difference between...
Role of Higher Ed - comm college

What’s in it for Students?

Apprenticeships offer students a unique opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, developing practical skills directly relevant to their chosen industry. Unlike traditional educational routes, apprenticeships provide the chance to earn a wage while learning, making them financially viable options. The structured training and mentorship within apprenticeship programs not only equip students with technical expertise but also foster valuable industry connections. Completion of an apprenticeship often leads to job opportunities within the field, as employers highly value the combination of skills and experience gained through such programs. Ultimately, apprenticeships serve as a pathway to both immediate employment and long-term career advancement, providing students with a solid foundation for success in their chosen profession.

Apprenticeships do not require a choice between attending or not attending college.Often, the related instruction is at a college level and credits are being earned as part of the program.

Why would employers be interested?

Employers stand to benefit significantly from engaging in apprenticeships. Firstly, they provide a steady pipeline of skilled talent, tailored to the specific needs of the industry. By investing in apprenticeship programs, employers can ensure that their workforce is equipped with the precise skills and knowledge required to thrive in the organization. These programs offer a cost-effective solution for talent acquisition and development, as apprentices can contribute to the company's operations while learning. Apprenticeships foster loyalty and retention among employees, as apprentices often stay with the company that provided their training. Participating in apprenticeship programs enhances the employer's reputation, showcasing their commitment to investing in the future workforce and contributing to the community's economic development.

Here are some tips to engage employers

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