Community Based Organizations & Foundations

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Community Based orgs

Community Based Organizations

Community-based organizations (CBO) support employers and apprentices by providing workforce development solutions, recruitment and screening assistance, training program development, onboarding and orientation support, mentorship, administrative assistance, retention strategies, and opportunities for networking and collaboration. Their efforts contribute to the success of apprenticeship programs and help employers build a skilled and sustainable workforce.


Foundations play a crucial role in supporting employers in apprenticeship programs through financial support, technical assistance, research and data analysis, partnerships, advocacy and awareness, capacity building, and recognition and awards. Their contributions help to develop and implement high-quality apprenticeship programs that meet the needs of industry, employers, and apprentices alike. Maryland Philanthropy Network is a place to start.


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Consider overlooked potential talent

How MAC Can Help

Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.

Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.

Email Collection Employer

Email Collection Employer