Unlocking the Power of Apprenticeship

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What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a structured training program that combines on-the-job learning with classroom instruction, designed to grow the workforce with hands-on experience and specific skills in a particular trade or profession. Apprentices work under the guidance of experienced professionals, called mentors or journeyworkers, learning practical techniques and workplace best practices. These programs last for a set period, during which apprentices earn a wage while gaining the skills necessary for their career path. Apprenticeships offer a valuable pathway to employment, allowing individuals to acquire industry-recognized qualifications and develop the abilities needed to succeed in their chosen field.

Roles in an Apprenticeship

Employers are not in this alone. We provide a supportive ecosystem designed to make the process seamless and beneficial for employers and apprentices. An apprenticeship includes guidance from a MD Department of Labor Apprenticeship Navigator. If apprentices are high school students, additional support comes from local school districts and school staff. Third-party Sponsors and Intermediaries can also help manage the administration of an apprenticeship. Local workforce development boards are part of the apprenticeship ecosystem and often are integral to sustainability and funding. If the apprentice is not in school then external training providers may also be involved. Maryland boasts several community based organizations who can offer outside support to your apprentices. Plus, there is MAC - we are always here to connect you to the right places and people!

Ready to Learn_ The Apprenticeship Advantage - ROLES of the Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship by Industry

Ready to Learn_ The Apprenticeship Advantage - Related Instruction


The Federal Government and State of Maryland recognize the pivotal role of apprenticeships within the workforce development landscape. They are actively investing in the development of programming, infrastructure, and employer incentives to encourage wider adoption and scalability. Reach out to your local workforce boards to explore incentives available to you. Keep in mind — each county where your employees reside may offer different incentives, so maximize your opportunities and reach out to them all.

Related Instruction

A key component of every apprenticeship is related instruction. The specific curriculum is selected by the employer as part of the apprenticeship design process. This instructional component can be provided by public schools, community colleges, four-year institutions, third-party providers, or you — the employer. This choice is integral to the apprenticeship application and must be approved by MATC. However, you’re not alone in this process! MAC, your school district, and your local Maryland DOL Apprenticeship Navigator can help you identify the appropriate curriculum.

Learn more about the steps

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How MAC Can Help

Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.

Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.

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