Registered Apprenticeship (RA)

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Registered Apprenticeship

Registered Apprenticeship

Registered Apprenticeships (RA) are structured programs sponsored by employers and industry associations, combining on-the-job training with technical instruction to teach occupational specific skills. The program structure includes:

  • 1:1 apprentice-to-journeyperson ratio
  • Apprenticeship is at least one year
  • A minimum of 2,000 hours of on-the-job training per year

Maryland boasts over 230 registered occupations and 9,000 registered apprenticeships across diverse industries, delivering at least 144 hours of related instruction per year.


  • In 2024, Maryland companies employed 15,454 apprentices — up 475% from 2014.
  • Maryland was ranked twelfth in the nation for our number of employed apprentices in 2024.
  • The median post-program benefits, using only direct benefits, are all positive — ranging from about $4,300 up to $16,000.
  • The typical employer experiences a 44.3% return on their investment in a
    registered apprenticeship including both direct and indirect benefits.

*Statistics per U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) report

Registered STATS
Registered (ROI)

Profitable Pathways: Return on Investment

For every $1 invested in an apprenticeship program, organizations realize an average return of $1.47, making apprenticeship a safer and more cost-effective source of talent acquisition than traditional hiring.

  • 91% of employers report an improved pipeline of skilled workers
  • 81% of employers report reduced turnover
  • 87% of employers report improved co-worker productivity
  • 78% of employers report increased innovation

*Statistics per U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) report

Bonus! Support Available

Maryland is rich with resources to support employers’ interest in an innovative talent pipeline management. Each county offers different opportunities, so check your local workforce board, school districts, community colleges, and the MD-DoL. Additionally, many of the local community based organizations (CBO) offer community members support. Employers should connect with them to gain access to those services for your current and future team members.

Registered (Bonus!...)

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How MAC Can Help

Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.

Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.

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