Industry: Omni-Sector

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Omni sector

Every Industry

Registered Apprenticeship (RA), School to Apprenticeship (STA) and Youth Apprenticeship (YA a.k.a. AMP) are industry-driven, flexible training models that can be customized to meet the needs of businesses in any field.

  • Fills the most in-demand, high turnover jobs, directly and indirectly
  • Creates a natural succession of qualified team members to prevent future staffing gaps
  • Yields significant returns on investment
  • Appropriate for back office and front office occupations

Workforce: By the Numbers

  • Recent research released by the US Department of Labor shows that, by 2024, one in four workers in the United States will be 55 or older. To put this in context, in 1994, this age group only accounted for about one in 10 workers.
  • In 2030, the last baby boomer turns 65 and reaches retirement age.
  • By 2025, 75% of the U.S. workforce will be made up of Gen Z & Millennials, according to
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Omni Sector

What is Career Pathing?

Career pathing, also known as career planning or career mapping, refers to the process of identifying and planning one's goals and progression within an organization or industry. It involves setting objectives, assessing skills and interests, exploring potential job options, and developing a plan towards desired career milestones.A compliment to skills based hiring.

Benefits of Career Pathing

Career pathing benefits the employer, employee, and training program. This practice significantly influences the strength and impact of apprenticeships by:

  • Aligning apprentices' goals with long-term career aspirations
  • Fostering motivation and engagement
  • Enhancing retention and commitment
  • Guiding skills development
  • Supporting succession planning efforts
  • Attracting top talent
  • Facilitating performance management

Employers that incorporate career pathing into their apprenticeship programs can maximize value for both apprentices and the organization as a whole.

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How MAC Can Help

Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.

Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.

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