Industry: Tech

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Innovation is unfolding at an unparalleled pace, meaning technology skills not only need to keep up, but also drive development and sustainability.

  • Demand for skilled workers who can quickly learn, adapt, and become experts in new technology is increasing, with 377,500 openings projected every year until 2032.
  • While technology capabilities evolve at a rapid pace, certification programs and colleges struggle to adopt and update curriculum, with 54% of current workers in need of upskilling.

An Evolving Industry

Technology is rapidly changing and requires forward-thinking and fast-acting solutions to adapt workforces. Talent pipeline development is a future-proofing strategy for leveraging emerging and cutting-edge technology capabilities. Implementing youth apprenticeship programs connects your workforce to essential training and upskilling pathways to address today's shortages and prepare for tomorrow’s opportunities.

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Growing Career Pathways

Apprenticeship programs defined by skill development provide organizations with a pathway to cultivate talent for essential roles and responsibilities.

  • Network Support Specialist
  • Tech Support Specialist
  • Cybersecurity Support Technician
  • Data Analyst
  • Tech Project Coordinator

The Next Generation of Tech

Technology progresses — why shouldn’t your hiring practices? With high school level apprenticeships, you can directly impact and channel the next generation of the tech workforce. Youth apprenticeships provide a direct path to skilled worker cultivation while reducing overall hiring costs and improving employee retention. From investing in an apprenticeship program:

  • 91% of employers report an improved pipeline of skilled workers
  • 81% of employers report reduced turnover
  • 87% of employers report improved co-worker productivity
  • 78% of employers report increased innovation
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Consider overlooked potential talent

How MAC Can Help

Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.

Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.

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