2024 Maryland MedTech Summit

2024 Maryland MedTech Summit

Thursday, April 11, 2024
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
A. James Clark Hall
Ambi Narula

Join medical device innovators, investors, universities, FDA and the rest of Maryland’s medtech community, for a full-day event to celebrate and build our medtech industry. Come for panels, breakout sessions, networking and opportunities to present your business needs, as we explore the impact and future of medtech in Maryland, opportunities to participate in federal and regional initiatives, device manufacturing, go-to-market strategies, and more.

Tentative agenda: Details TBA

8:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast


Panel discussions on why medical technology is critical to Maryland, what is the direction of medtech innovation, how to participate, and the social impact of medtech in Maryland

Collaboration Catalyst Quick Pitches to present your business needs to connect with local partners and resources



Panel discussion with FDA CDRH

Breakout sessions on Transitional manufacturing, CHIPS Act opportunities, Business strategies for medtech startups

Closing session on Advancing the medtech industry in Maryland through collaboration

4:30 p.m. Happy Hour and Networking


Register here 



Original source: https://eng.umd.edu/event/19207/2024-maryland-medtech-summit

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