School to Apprenticeship (STA) a.k.a. School to Work (STW)
The case for change: why should employers expand their apprenticeship programs to start while candidates are in high school?
- Gain access to more eligible applicants.
- Raise awareness about career pathways sooner, lowering your average apprentice age.
- Generate more interest in careers in your industry than with a traditional adult audience
- Provide mentorship and career guidance to the next workforce generation.
- Challenge societal views on four-year degrees as the only viable career path.
- Enhance the overall apprenticeship experience for both your candidates and your organization.
Converting From an Existing Registered Apprenticeship
To gain access to this expanded talent pool, an existing Registered Apprenticeship (RA) can easily be turned into a School to Apprenticeship (STA).
In order for an employer to utilize STA option, the apprenticeship provider must either:
- Change the eligibility age to start the apprenticeship from 18 years old to 16 or 17 years old
- Include language such as “Age: 18 years or older OR School to Apprenticeship (STA) 16 years or older with signed permission of parent or guardian.

Current STAs in MD
Many Maryland employers are embracing the power of STAs. Consider tapping into one that already exists. The Department of Labor has a list of existing STAs to help you get started. If you need further information, contact MAC for assistance.
Support is Available
As with all things apprenticeship, MAC is here to help you navigate the process of building your program! When hiring high school students, your local school districts are ready and able to support you and the student. The Maryland DOL Navigator and your local workforce board representatives are also available to help. And, don’t forget to ask about incentive programs that may be available for new and incumbent workers.

Learn more about the steps
Have questions? Please contact us for help.
Consider overlooked potential talent
How MAC Can Help
Employers are busy running their businesses and solving their own challenges so they can grow their organizations, their teams, and their impact on the economy. Share your workforce hiring and retention challenges with us, and we can help you navigate the solutions that will build your talent pipeline for today and the future.
Contact us to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help.
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